Thursday, November 17, 2011

Before you can do it in RL, it must work in World of Warcraft (Week 7)

Welcome to the world of the future where you simply wear a headset and think what you want objects to do..... and they do it. This can be on a screen or three dimensional objects. Sounds cool, but how can you get companies to buy into the technology? The answer is to make it work in a video game first. Let's face it all the great technologies start in either video games or porn.

Just think Brian, no more being just a second too slow taking down the Lich King with your sword because your fingers just can't move fast enough on the keyboard. No more letting that pesky Gnome Warlock beat you in PvP (player vs. player). No more videos on Youtube of how bad you are at Call of Duty. Your in-game lightning reflexes will be as quick as your if we can just keep these gizmos out of the hands of kids, us old-timers can rule the World (of Warcraft) as we were meant to....

Oh, and think of all the possibilities in manufacturing....the potential is almost endless (that part is serious).

The strange thing is that this article is over 3 years old and we haven't seen the first one of these helmets (unless the technology is in the 3D games and I just don' t know). However, the idea that you can just think while wearing a helmet and actually move things on a screen based solely on your thought patterns is amazing.

Look for yourself:

RL = real life

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

All the cool geeks will be wearing one! (Week 6)

Ever since Brian retired his trusty pocket protector to the junk drawer, he has been looking for just the right fashion accessory to replace it. He's tried lots of things over the years - propeller hats (part of the hazing for his fraternity at college), E=mc2 tee shirts, laptop computer carrying cases, smartphones. However, nothing seemed to really set him apart from all the wannabe Geeks out there these days. (You know who you are......)

Well, Brian, Caveman Enterprises has just the thing for you! Imagine a bracelet or watch that morphs into a super smartphone or computer complete with screen and keyboard. You'll be the envy of everyone at Comicon this year. They'll put you on the cover of Computerworld. Good Grief, Man! You'll have more "friends" on Facebook than Jim Parsons! .

The technology behind the morphing fashion piece is "millions of microscopic robots that are to 3D objects what pixels are to a screen." This is actually being developed by Intel (shockingly not Caveman Enterprises) and while originally thought to be 50 years from being a reality is now just a "couple more years" away according to a comment from Jason Campbell, one of the research team members, in 2009.

Note that this comment was made just over two years let's get you the first one....think of it Brian, you can be a trendsetter - a computer that morphs right back on to your wrists and can be worn like a set of bracers. So, Brian,...... "do you like gladiator movies?"

If you want to read the entire article, here you go....

The actor chosen to play Brian Spangler in the upcoming movie release "AMS: The Early Years"

I hope you all realize that the jabs at Brian are purely in jest and meant as entertainment.