Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Steve Jobs and the Innovative Environment (not for credit)

I submit for your perusal a fictious introduction to Steve Jobs in the early years:

"Hi - my name is Steve Jobs and I want to welcome you to my company.I consider myself to be a great thinker and an innovator and want to encourage you to join me on my journey. However, there are a few rules. You are welcome to call yourself an innovator and join my movement so long as your opinions and innovations are not in conflict with my ideas (my ideology is supreme). All those who question my supreme authority or have ideas contrary to mine will be terminated. For those that follow me I promise great riches at the expense of those that do not......"

My question to you is why is this considered a good example of an innovative company? A man with innovative ideas - yes, but an innovative company? From the standpoint that Jobs runs the company and everyone else follows his ideas and innovations, sure, but is that a truly innovative company or just a company buit around an innovative man? Where is the collaborative effort to come up with new ideas? Where is the freedom to question the norm and the system that leads to new ideas. I submit it is not at Apple.

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